Be the Light
By Rebecca Johnston
Halloween is just around the corner and although it can be a hard night for Christians because of the cultural associations, for many in our community it is a night of fun and, if you think about it, it is the one night a year that families go door-to-door wanting to see their fellow neighbors. This night is a great opportunity to be intentional and present in your neighborhood, getting to know people, building relationships, and being a light to those God has placed around you. There is a quote that says, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.” Here are a few ideas on how to show your neighbors you care and to begin building intentional relationships with them that could lead to gospel conversations:
• Have a warming station in your driveway with coffee, hot chocolate, cider and hot tea for parents and kids to stop and get a warm drink as they go from house to house.
• Set up a fun (but not scary) photo booth in your yard for families to take pictures in front of. Hang out and meet everyone who stops by.
• Grill hot dogs or order pizza to pass out.
• Bring your firepit to the front yard and have supplies for smores.
• Host a hayride through the neighborhood.
• Create a small block party with music and a bounce house.
• Pass out glowsticks to all the kids to help the families keep track of them as it gets dark.
• Consider helping an elderly or sick neighbor by buying candy for them and offering to help them pass it out so they can participate.
• Some nursing homes will buy candy for the residents to pass out. Call ahead and see if your kids can trick or treat with the residents.
Other things to remember:
• Compliment costumes and look up what is popular so you can identify what kids are dressed as. They will remember that you knew exactly what they were.
• Introduce yourself, but don’t ask the kids names. Instead try to learn names of parents.
• Remember many parents will stay on the sidewalk and send the kids to your door. So, find a way to be present with the parents.
• Don’t deny candy to teenagers who are trick-or-treating. They could be doing worse things. Show them you are happy to see them.
• As you get to know people, invite them to our upcoming Fall Family Gathering on Sunday evening November 12 at 4:00 p.m.
This Halloween, pray that God will do something out of the ordinary and use your family to minister to your neighbors. Engaging them this Halloween could be the start of actually entering into their lives and helping them encounter Christ in a new and remarkable way.
Halloween is just around the corner and although it can be a hard night for Christians because of the cultural associations, for many in our community it is a night of fun and, if you think about it, it is the one night a year that families go door-to-door wanting to see their fellow neighbors. This night is a great opportunity to be intentional and present in your neighborhood, getting to know people, building relationships, and being a light to those God has placed around you. There is a quote that says, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.” Here are a few ideas on how to show your neighbors you care and to begin building intentional relationships with them that could lead to gospel conversations:
• Have a warming station in your driveway with coffee, hot chocolate, cider and hot tea for parents and kids to stop and get a warm drink as they go from house to house.
• Set up a fun (but not scary) photo booth in your yard for families to take pictures in front of. Hang out and meet everyone who stops by.
• Grill hot dogs or order pizza to pass out.
• Bring your firepit to the front yard and have supplies for smores.
• Host a hayride through the neighborhood.
• Create a small block party with music and a bounce house.
• Pass out glowsticks to all the kids to help the families keep track of them as it gets dark.
• Consider helping an elderly or sick neighbor by buying candy for them and offering to help them pass it out so they can participate.
• Some nursing homes will buy candy for the residents to pass out. Call ahead and see if your kids can trick or treat with the residents.
Other things to remember:
• Compliment costumes and look up what is popular so you can identify what kids are dressed as. They will remember that you knew exactly what they were.
• Introduce yourself, but don’t ask the kids names. Instead try to learn names of parents.
• Remember many parents will stay on the sidewalk and send the kids to your door. So, find a way to be present with the parents.
• Don’t deny candy to teenagers who are trick-or-treating. They could be doing worse things. Show them you are happy to see them.
• As you get to know people, invite them to our upcoming Fall Family Gathering on Sunday evening November 12 at 4:00 p.m.
This Halloween, pray that God will do something out of the ordinary and use your family to minister to your neighbors. Engaging them this Halloween could be the start of actually entering into their lives and helping them encounter Christ in a new and remarkable way.
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