A Servant of the Gospel

Colossians 1:21–23
There was a time you were isolated from God. Colossians highlights the separation between man and God because of man’s evil ways. Paul concludes that the evil actions give evidence to man’s hostile attitude toward God. However, God provided a remedy regardless of man’s hostility.

Think about that, while we were sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). Many in the world have no care or concern for God and His ways; even so, God provided a pathway for reconciliation through Jesus. God provides an opportunity to become “holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation” through faith in Christ, a faith that we need to continue in, which then becomes established and firm. Continuing in our faith should push us to abide closely with Christ and not move us away from the hope that we have in the gospel. The gospel: sin and evil separating us from God; God providing a pathway to holiness through Christ’s death and resurrection. The gospel, that you heard. The gospel now proclaimed through those who have it rooted and established within.

Paul takes all of the above elements that help to define the Gospel in Colossians 1 and he calls himself a servant to it. Reading through Colossians caused me to pause and ask the question of myself, who or what do I serve? There are many areas in my life that I am called to serve. I serve my wife faithfully as her husband. I serve my children as their father. I serve our church as a minister. God’s Word reminds us in Colossians that whatever we do and whoever we serve, do unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23). Therefore, in my serving, may it reflect the gospel that has changed my life, and in all that I do, may it be for the Lord.




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