The Sanctity and Dignity of All Human Life
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:13-14).
Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday in our churches, and I am so thankful to be part of a church family that is wholeheartedly pro-life. We believe every human being is made in God’s image and we stand for all life—from the preborn to the most senior adult from any walk of life.
Today we emphasize our pro-life stance regarding abortion in particular—and pray that our church will continue to be a light in the darkness in our culture on behalf of the preborn. Below you will find some helpful insights provided from our denomination’s ERLC.
3 Small Steps Churches Can Take to Foster a Pro-Life Culture
LOOK FOR AND SUPPORT THE PRO-LIFE EFFORTS ALREADY HAPPENING IN OUR CHURCH. There are many members in our church family who are already engaged passionately in fighting for life. Contact one of your ministers to connect you with those who are involved in ministries like pregnancy center support, foster care, immigrant and refugee ministry, homebound ministry, or serving those with special needs.
LOOK TO SCRIPTURE FOR A WHOLE-LIFE, PRO-LIFE VIEW. It is impossible to teach the Word of God accurately and miss God’s desire for human flourishing. Genesis to Revelation reveal that He is the author of our lives, faith, and salvation; so, we must obey His commands. From the pastoral staff down to the small group Bible study leader, teacher, or volunteer, the local church needs to teach a pro-life ethic that is consistent with and rooted in Scripture. COMMIT TO EDUCATING YOURSELF
AND YOUR PEOPLE TOWARD A FULLER PRO-LIFE ETHIC. In the same way that we grow in the understanding and knowledge of God when we read and learn His Word, we have an opportunity to grow in understanding on many issues surrounding the protection and flourishing of life. As leaders or members in the church, we need to be learners, not to be inflated by knowledge but to live and work for the good of those around us who might see our good deeds and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16).
Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday in our churches, and I am so thankful to be part of a church family that is wholeheartedly pro-life. We believe every human being is made in God’s image and we stand for all life—from the preborn to the most senior adult from any walk of life.
Today we emphasize our pro-life stance regarding abortion in particular—and pray that our church will continue to be a light in the darkness in our culture on behalf of the preborn. Below you will find some helpful insights provided from our denomination’s ERLC.
3 Small Steps Churches Can Take to Foster a Pro-Life Culture
LOOK FOR AND SUPPORT THE PRO-LIFE EFFORTS ALREADY HAPPENING IN OUR CHURCH. There are many members in our church family who are already engaged passionately in fighting for life. Contact one of your ministers to connect you with those who are involved in ministries like pregnancy center support, foster care, immigrant and refugee ministry, homebound ministry, or serving those with special needs.
LOOK TO SCRIPTURE FOR A WHOLE-LIFE, PRO-LIFE VIEW. It is impossible to teach the Word of God accurately and miss God’s desire for human flourishing. Genesis to Revelation reveal that He is the author of our lives, faith, and salvation; so, we must obey His commands. From the pastoral staff down to the small group Bible study leader, teacher, or volunteer, the local church needs to teach a pro-life ethic that is consistent with and rooted in Scripture. COMMIT TO EDUCATING YOURSELF
AND YOUR PEOPLE TOWARD A FULLER PRO-LIFE ETHIC. In the same way that we grow in the understanding and knowledge of God when we read and learn His Word, we have an opportunity to grow in understanding on many issues surrounding the protection and flourishing of life. As leaders or members in the church, we need to be learners, not to be inflated by knowledge but to live and work for the good of those around us who might see our good deeds and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16).
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