What is Your Story?

What is your story? How has God touched your life? How did you come to know Christ? These are some of the questions we have asked the hundreds of people who walk through the doors of the Ministry Center. They are people who are looking for help, hurting spiritually, or just looking for someone who will listen. There are some whose stories have caused them to reject Christ, or they just don’t want anything to do with religion. These are the people we pray for and share the Good News of the Gospel with every time they come to the Ministry Center. Most of them are looking for answers; their stories are sometimes good, and sometimes bad.

Of the hundreds of stories, there are a few that stand out to me. There is the 72-year-old grandmother who has her 14 grand and great-grand children living with her because their parents (her children) are in jail. Her husband passed away a couple of years ago, so she is taking care of the children by herself. She comes in needing an adult to talk to, asking for prayer for strength and wisdom.

There is the young homeless man who comes in wanting prayer and has questions about Bible verses he is reading and having trouble interpreting the wording.

A 32-year-old female came in with only the clothes on her back. She had just left her husband of three years who had been beating her since they were married. Her story is one of desperation and pain. In the process of listening to her story, the Good News of Jesus was shared and she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. She is now moving forward with hope and a new start to her life.

One story that has stuck with me over the last several months is the young lady who came in with no hope, no job, and no idea what to do with her life. She was also showing signs of suicide. While listening to her story, I learned she used to work with special needs adults. She lost her job during Covid and was having issues getting re-established. We were able to connect her with a staffing service that helped her find a job. She came in recently with three special needs adults under her care. She is a new person and has a job doing exactly what she loves – helping others who are less fortunate. What a great story!

The Ministry Center provides so much more than food and clothing. We are ministering to people who are hurting, needing hope, or just wanting someone to listen.

What is your story? How has God touched your life today? In Mark 16:15, Jesus tells us, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” When was the last time you shared your story with someone who needed to hear it? It could change someone’s life forever.




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