Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe every church member should either go, give, or pray, enabling the Good News to be taken around the world. South Tulsa members will have opportunities to give and work personally with missions partners in North and Central America, Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, and prayerfully other places in the future.

Global Missions
Since 2010, South Tulsa Baptist church has been actively ministering in Guatemala, and primarily in the farming community of Santa Maria de Jesus.
Campos de Sueños Church – Provides a place where children and parents that do not have a home church can grow in their faith in Christ. Develops and trains home visitation/Evangelism teams composed of church members that can follow up with the parents that do not know Christ.
Since 2010, South Tulsa Baptist church has been actively ministering in Guatemala, and primarily in the farming community of Santa Maria de Jesus.
Campos de Sueños Church – Provides a place where children and parents that do not have a home church can grow in their faith in Christ. Develops and trains home visitation/Evangelism teams composed of church members that can follow up with the parents that do not know Christ.
In early 2019, South Tulsa began our ministry in Venezuela. This ministry was inherited from Parkview Baptist Church of Tulsa where it began in 1994, and continues to this day. The ministry is medical in nature, providing supplies and needed medicines to those in need. We send to churches and the Gospel is presented every time medicine is distributed by medical doctors. To aid this, we send tracts, videos, and other materials as well.
International Missions Partners
Transformation 1040
GET India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar
E3 Partners – Asia
Tibetan Scripture Translation
United World Mission (UWM) – Diaspora Peoples
Open Doors Ukraine
Missionary Associates
IMB Southeast Asian Peoples/Wa Center Thailand
GET India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar
E3 Partners – Asia
Tibetan Scripture Translation
United World Mission (UWM) – Diaspora Peoples
Open Doors Ukraine
Missionary Associates
IMB Southeast Asian Peoples/Wa Center Thailand