Find Rest in Jesus

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed, as if the world’s weight is pressing down on us. We may be burdened by work, personal struggles, or responsibilities that seem too heavy to bear. In these times, it is easy to feel alone, like you carry everything on your shoulders.

Jesus speaks directly to those who feel weary. He invites us to come to Him and lay our burdens down: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28. He doesn’t expect us to have everything figured out or to carry the load by ourselves. Instead, He offers us His rest. One of the greatest comforts of the Gospel is that Jesus knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed. In the garden of Gethsemane, He faced incredible sorrow and stress, yet He turned to the Father in prayer. Jesus understands our emotions and struggles because He experienced them Himself. Just as He sought comfort from His Father, we can turn to Him for the same.

In God’s design, the Christian life is meant to be lived in community. Just as we are to bring our burdens to Jesus, we are also called to help bear one another’s burdens. This could mean offering a listening ear, praying for someone, or providing practical help. Other times, it means being humble enough to allow others to come alongside us when we are struggling.

Carrying each other’s burdens reflects the heart of Christ. Jesus himself bore the ultimate burden—our sin and shame—on the cross. Walking alongside our brothers and sisters in their struggles, we reflect His love and compassion. When we allow others to help us, we experience the beauty of His grace through the care of His people.

If you feel overwhelmed today, lay your burdens before the Lord in prayer. Let trusted friends or family members know what you are going through and invite them to walk with you. If someone comes to you with their struggles, be ready to show them the same grace and care that Jesus offers.




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