Good News
By Eric Costanzo
Can you remember how old you were the first time you heard the Good News about what Jesus has done for you?
I’m not sure I remember the first time I heard the Good News—but I certainly remember the first time it stuck. I was 13 years old, in the middle of seventh grade with all its challenges, and the Holy Spirit used a simple sharing of the gospel message by a youth ministry leader to capture my heart. I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord and believing in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, and I was saved. The Good News put down roots in my heart as the process of transformation began, and I continued to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. For more than thirty years now, the Good News has continued bearing fruit in my life. I am more thankful than words can express that Jesus is my Savior and Lord, and that He not only saved me but has created a legacy of faith in my family that I see alive and at work in my own children.
That’s a short version of my story. What’s yours?
As we hear faith stories from our church family the next few weeks, I’m praying they will encourage all of us to be more bold in sharing our own stories.
I’m also challenging all of us to take The Good News 1×6 Challenge: To pray for at least one (1) person for the next six (6) weeks who you know needs to hear the Good News of Christ’s salvation. You might feel led to invite that person to one of our services or activities during that time.
As we turn our focus more specifically to that simple gospel message these next few weeks, may we all be open to the opportunities God has for us to share the Good News!
Can you remember how old you were the first time you heard the Good News about what Jesus has done for you?
I’m not sure I remember the first time I heard the Good News—but I certainly remember the first time it stuck. I was 13 years old, in the middle of seventh grade with all its challenges, and the Holy Spirit used a simple sharing of the gospel message by a youth ministry leader to capture my heart. I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord and believing in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, and I was saved. The Good News put down roots in my heart as the process of transformation began, and I continued to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. For more than thirty years now, the Good News has continued bearing fruit in my life. I am more thankful than words can express that Jesus is my Savior and Lord, and that He not only saved me but has created a legacy of faith in my family that I see alive and at work in my own children.
That’s a short version of my story. What’s yours?
As we hear faith stories from our church family the next few weeks, I’m praying they will encourage all of us to be more bold in sharing our own stories.
I’m also challenging all of us to take The Good News 1×6 Challenge: To pray for at least one (1) person for the next six (6) weeks who you know needs to hear the Good News of Christ’s salvation. You might feel led to invite that person to one of our services or activities during that time.
As we turn our focus more specifically to that simple gospel message these next few weeks, may we all be open to the opportunities God has for us to share the Good News!
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