A New Year, the Same God
As we begin 2024 together, we see many challenges ahead. Daily we hear about wars and rumors of wars globally and see countless images of human suffering in many places. Our country is as divided as ever, and we’re headed towards an election season that will undoubtedly be contentious. Many in our community are struggling financially, emotionally, and otherwise. Moreover, we are each facing our own personal difficulties as are many people we love who weigh heavy on our hearts. And we know that amid all these challenging things there is a spiritual battle raging for the souls of people made in God’s image.
Consequently, it’s understandable that we might have a hard time beginning this new year with hope. Thankfully, the Hope we need is already secured—not in us or anything about us—but in our God who never changes and who remains in control of all things—both in the natural and supernatural realms. No matter what this year brings, we will continue to stand on God’s Word as our firm foundation to lead and guide us in all wisdom and fruitfulness through the Holy Spirit.
So, we begin 2024 by focusing on our unchanging and faithful God, and on some of the Bible’s most core teaching about the Christian life and the Church.
On Sunday mornings throughout January, we will briefly revisit our series ekklēsia and study a few texts in Acts that remind us of some key biblical principles about who we are called to be as the Church.
Additionally, on Sunday evenings, we will dig into the Sermon on the Mount through our January Bible Study—and we are once again blessed to have some fantastic guest pastors and teachers leading us each night.
Join me as we surrender all of 2024 to our God—who is faithful and true—and stand on His Word together with hope and confidence!
Consequently, it’s understandable that we might have a hard time beginning this new year with hope. Thankfully, the Hope we need is already secured—not in us or anything about us—but in our God who never changes and who remains in control of all things—both in the natural and supernatural realms. No matter what this year brings, we will continue to stand on God’s Word as our firm foundation to lead and guide us in all wisdom and fruitfulness through the Holy Spirit.
So, we begin 2024 by focusing on our unchanging and faithful God, and on some of the Bible’s most core teaching about the Christian life and the Church.
On Sunday mornings throughout January, we will briefly revisit our series ekklēsia and study a few texts in Acts that remind us of some key biblical principles about who we are called to be as the Church.
Additionally, on Sunday evenings, we will dig into the Sermon on the Mount through our January Bible Study—and we are once again blessed to have some fantastic guest pastors and teachers leading us each night.
Join me as we surrender all of 2024 to our God—who is faithful and true—and stand on His Word together with hope and confidence!
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