Just as the Lord Commands
By Laura McFarlin
One of my heroes of the faith is Moses. I am always struck by how many times the Bible says that God told Moses to do something, and Moses did “just as the Lord commanded him.” It has become a goal of my life to follow Jesus with the same passion as Moses. When I leave this earth, I hope those who knew me will say, “Laura did just as the Lord commanded her.”
The Bible tells us that every believer is given spiritual gifts (I Corinthians 12:7; 11), and God has prepared good works for us to accomplish (Ephesians 2:10). As the Student Ministry Associate, I have been challenged to use my gifts and talents in ways that stretch me and cause me to rely more on God than my own natural abilities.
It thrills my heart to spend time one-on-one and in small groups with teenagers. I consider it a privilege when a teenager allows me to truly know them and walk alongside them as they grow in their faith. Yet, I know that God has other good works prepared for me, and gifts that don’t feel as natural as small group and one-on-one discipleship.
I have laid my “yes” on the table for God and am in the process of growing into the gifts and opportunities that make my heart pound a little faster, my palms sweat, and think to myself “I don’t know if I can do this.” I am thankful for those who have come alongside me and provided the opportunity to grow and the encouragement to step outside my comfort zone. I’ve learned that I can’t do it – at least not in my own strength. Those opportunities cause me to be more aware of my need for God. I must decrease; He must increase (John 3:30).
I wish I could sit down with each of you and tell you all God is doing in the lives of the students at South Tulsa! He is at work, and it is thrilling and encouraging to see young people who are passionate for Jesus. The ministry God has gifted me here is truly the joy of my heart.
One of my heroes of the faith is Moses. I am always struck by how many times the Bible says that God told Moses to do something, and Moses did “just as the Lord commanded him.” It has become a goal of my life to follow Jesus with the same passion as Moses. When I leave this earth, I hope those who knew me will say, “Laura did just as the Lord commanded her.”
The Bible tells us that every believer is given spiritual gifts (I Corinthians 12:7; 11), and God has prepared good works for us to accomplish (Ephesians 2:10). As the Student Ministry Associate, I have been challenged to use my gifts and talents in ways that stretch me and cause me to rely more on God than my own natural abilities.
It thrills my heart to spend time one-on-one and in small groups with teenagers. I consider it a privilege when a teenager allows me to truly know them and walk alongside them as they grow in their faith. Yet, I know that God has other good works prepared for me, and gifts that don’t feel as natural as small group and one-on-one discipleship.
I have laid my “yes” on the table for God and am in the process of growing into the gifts and opportunities that make my heart pound a little faster, my palms sweat, and think to myself “I don’t know if I can do this.” I am thankful for those who have come alongside me and provided the opportunity to grow and the encouragement to step outside my comfort zone. I’ve learned that I can’t do it – at least not in my own strength. Those opportunities cause me to be more aware of my need for God. I must decrease; He must increase (John 3:30).
I wish I could sit down with each of you and tell you all God is doing in the lives of the students at South Tulsa! He is at work, and it is thrilling and encouraging to see young people who are passionate for Jesus. The ministry God has gifted me here is truly the joy of my heart.
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