Seasoned with Salt
By Lisa Fuller
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:6).
At The Ministry Center, we are not just a clothing and food pantry – we are a mission field planted squarely in the forgotten part of our hometown. Weekly, we provide a warm meal to those experiencing homelessness and provide a safe place for them to get out of the elements. With a hot bowl of soup, a shower, fresh clothes, and clean laundry we care for their physical needs. Our growing mission of hospitality to those without homes has been a strong testimony of God’s love, and we are seeing hearts open to the Word of God and lives change!
Many of these individuals have no family and no one to turn to. We have become their family. We know the details of their lives. We seek to be a safe place where one can come in to share hurts and needs and get Godly advice and direction. Our dedicated volunteers have each had life experiences that have brought them to our facility to minister to their hearts – it is a beautiful Godly appointment. Because of this, we are to clothe ourselves in grace and be ready to be the salt in their lives that makes them desire Christ.
This Thanksgiving, as you are seasoning your Thanksgiving meal, think about how you can be the salt in your circle of influence. God has placed you right where you are. Who can you minister to?
Warren Wiersbe expressed it this way, “Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.” We thank our church family for your continued support. Because of you, we can meet the needs of the people God brings through our doors.
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:6).
At The Ministry Center, we are not just a clothing and food pantry – we are a mission field planted squarely in the forgotten part of our hometown. Weekly, we provide a warm meal to those experiencing homelessness and provide a safe place for them to get out of the elements. With a hot bowl of soup, a shower, fresh clothes, and clean laundry we care for their physical needs. Our growing mission of hospitality to those without homes has been a strong testimony of God’s love, and we are seeing hearts open to the Word of God and lives change!
Many of these individuals have no family and no one to turn to. We have become their family. We know the details of their lives. We seek to be a safe place where one can come in to share hurts and needs and get Godly advice and direction. Our dedicated volunteers have each had life experiences that have brought them to our facility to minister to their hearts – it is a beautiful Godly appointment. Because of this, we are to clothe ourselves in grace and be ready to be the salt in their lives that makes them desire Christ.
This Thanksgiving, as you are seasoning your Thanksgiving meal, think about how you can be the salt in your circle of influence. God has placed you right where you are. Who can you minister to?
Warren Wiersbe expressed it this way, “Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.” We thank our church family for your continued support. Because of you, we can meet the needs of the people God brings through our doors.
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