Summer’s Heat
By Alice Bones
Shew, summer is finally coming to a close, kids are back in school, and the promise of cooler weather is at least somewhere around the corner. I’m afraid that I complain a lot during the summer months, because I am not a fan of hot weather. I may not like it really cold either, but at least I can put on more clothing. There is only so much you can take off in the summer to try to stay cool. I feel blessed to work in a building that has good air conditioning, a home that is nice and cool, and have a car that blows wonderful cold air on me while I’m driving.
But my heart goes out to our homeless friends at the Ministry Center, especially during the sweltering heat of this summer. I am concerned about their welfare, as well as the welfare of clients that may have a roof over their heads, but do not have air conditioning, or cannot afford the high electricity cost to cool their homes.
At the Ministry Center we try to meet the basic needs of those that come in our doors. Our prayer is that we always show the love of Christ to all who enter our building. We strive to meet physical needs so that our clients will be open to hearing about our loving Father. We welcome our homeless friends to “hang out” awhile, drink some water, have something to eat, shower, and stay cool, before they head back outside. We have a homeless family that spends a lot of time at the Ministry Center. The husband and wife have a precious 2-year-old that has stolen my heart. The family is living in a tent until the father can find work and housing. My prayer is that the little girl will always know just how much God loves her, and that she will stay safe in her environment.
As we all go about our day today, let’s be mindful of the blessings that God has bestowed on us. Of course, we should all be most grateful for the gift of Jesus and what He gave us by going to the cross. But it doesn’t hurt to also be grateful for the air-conditioning!
Shew, summer is finally coming to a close, kids are back in school, and the promise of cooler weather is at least somewhere around the corner. I’m afraid that I complain a lot during the summer months, because I am not a fan of hot weather. I may not like it really cold either, but at least I can put on more clothing. There is only so much you can take off in the summer to try to stay cool. I feel blessed to work in a building that has good air conditioning, a home that is nice and cool, and have a car that blows wonderful cold air on me while I’m driving.
But my heart goes out to our homeless friends at the Ministry Center, especially during the sweltering heat of this summer. I am concerned about their welfare, as well as the welfare of clients that may have a roof over their heads, but do not have air conditioning, or cannot afford the high electricity cost to cool their homes.
At the Ministry Center we try to meet the basic needs of those that come in our doors. Our prayer is that we always show the love of Christ to all who enter our building. We strive to meet physical needs so that our clients will be open to hearing about our loving Father. We welcome our homeless friends to “hang out” awhile, drink some water, have something to eat, shower, and stay cool, before they head back outside. We have a homeless family that spends a lot of time at the Ministry Center. The husband and wife have a precious 2-year-old that has stolen my heart. The family is living in a tent until the father can find work and housing. My prayer is that the little girl will always know just how much God loves her, and that she will stay safe in her environment.
As we all go about our day today, let’s be mindful of the blessings that God has bestowed on us. Of course, we should all be most grateful for the gift of Jesus and what He gave us by going to the cross. But it doesn’t hurt to also be grateful for the air-conditioning!
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