The Ministry Center
“Carolyn is the first smiling face our clients see when they enter TMC and she has been a light to our ministry, demonstrating kindness, grace, and love to those she meets” says Lisa Fuller, Director of the Ministry Center. Carolyn was on staff at the church for 23 years and shortly after retiring, the Lord spoke to her about becoming a part of this ministry. She says, “I tried to ignore it, but what a blessing for me that I finally obeyed His calling for me!”
Volunteering at the Ministry Center has made a profound impact on her life, both spiritually and emotionally. She says it has opened her eyes to the real meaning of loving each other, no matter what the circumstances are. Volunteering has taught her to be consistent in her prayer life, not only for her friends and loved ones, but also for those who have no idea she’s praying for them. It has taught her understanding, patience, and unconditional love for so many people she never would have met had she not answered God’s call for her to volunteer at the Ministry Center.
Carolyn has enjoyed volunteering at the Ministry Center from day one. “The thing that surprises me the most,” she says, “is that I look forward to going each week and seeing our clients. I worry about them on the days we’re not open, and they have become very important to me. I think of them as family.” She encourages others to follow their heart and step out of their comfort zone. “It is life changing, and you will be the one blessed.”